4 SCHOTTER, U.:MUELLER,I., 1985: The use if Isotopes, Hydrochemistry and Geophysics in Groundwater Research in Laikipia District, Kenya.
8 KOHLER, T., 1987: West Laikipia Report on small-scale farming and How it Could be Assisted in Development
11 KETER, S., 1988:Youth Polytechnique Trained Craftsmen: Training and Work Experience. A Tracer Study of Leavers from Youth Polytechnics in Laikipia District (Kenya)
12 DECURTINS, S.: LEIBUNDGUT, C.: WETZEL, K., 1988: Resources of River in Eastern Laikipia. River Water Potential and Rural Water Supply in Eastern Laikipia (Kenya) For Small Scale Farming.
13 RHECKER, J.R.: TAITI , S.W.: WINIGER, M., 1989: Bibliography of East African Mountains.
14 AYIEMBA, E.H., 1990: The Population Situation in Kenya: An Overview, And: The Effects of Population Growth on the Environment.
15 OBARA, D.A. 1991: Urban Agriculture in the Third World: A Study of Nairobi and Its Environs, And: Constraints on Smallholder Horticultural Production: A Case Study of Mwea Division, Kirinyaga District, Kenya.
16 RHECKER, J.R., 1992: Forest Management and Timber Industry at Mount Kenya.
17 HOESLI, T., KLINGL,T., 1995: A GIS Database Design for District and Rural Development Planning in Laikipia District, Kenya
18 HOESLI T., 1995: GIS Based Impact Monitoring of a Development Programme.
9 HUBNER M., OPONDO C. J., (eds.) 1995: Land Use Change Scenarios for Subdivided Ranches in Laikipia District, Kenya. .
A1 WINIGER, M. (ed) 1985: Mount Kenya Area Contributions to Ecology and Socio-Economy.
A2 SPECK, H., 1983: Mount Kenya Area Ecology and Agricultural Significance of the Soils (with 2 Soil Maps)
A3 LEIBUNDGUT, CH., 1986: Hydrogeographical Map of Mount Kenya Area 1:50,000 Map and Explanatory Text.
A5 KOHLER, T., 1987: Land Use in Transition. Aspects and Problems of Small Scale Farming in a New Environment: The Example of Laikipia District. With Land Use Land Ownership 1:250,000 Map.
A6 FLURY, M.M 1987: Rain-fed Agriculture in the Central Division, Laikipia District, Kenya, Suitability, Constraints and Potential for Providing Food.
A7 Berger, P., 1989: Rainfed and Agroclimatology of the Laikipia Plateau. Kenya.
A8 WINIGER M., WIESMANN U., RHEKER J.R. (eds), 1990: Mount Kenya Area. Differentiation and dynamics of a tropical mountain system.
A9 TEGENE B., 1992: Erosion: Its effects on properties and productivity of eutric nitosols in Gununo Area, Southern Ethiopia, and some techniques of its control.
A10 DECURTINS S., 1992 Hydrogeographical investigations in the Mount Kenya subcatchment of the river Ewaso Ng�iro.
A11 VOGEL H., 1993: Conservation tillage in Zimbabwe. Evaluation of several techniques for the development of sustainable crop production systems in smallholder farming.
A12 MASELI D., GEELHAAR M., 1994: L�ecosysteme montagnard agrosylvo-pastoral de Tagoundaft (Haut-Atlas, Marco). Teil 1: Ressources, processus, et problemes d�une utilization durable. Teil 2: mutations socio-economiques dans Le BAssin de Taqoundaft, Haut-Atlas, Maroc.
A13 ABATE S., 1994: Land use dynamics, soil degradation and potential for sustainable use in Metu Area, Illubabor Regioom, Ethiopia.
A14 WIESMANN U., 1998: Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Africa: Conceptual Framework and case studies from Kenya.
Baseline Data, Series B
B1 WIESMANN U., 1991: Water Supply Systems in small Scale Farms and Pastoralist Areas of Laikipia District, Kenya.
B2 TAITI S.W., 1992: The Vegetation of Laikipia District, Kenya
B3 BERGER P., 1987: Rainfall Data 1983 � 1992: Laikipia District and Western and Northern Slopes of Mount Kenya.
B6 THOMAS M.K., LINIGER H., 1994: Rainfall Data: Additional Stations of Good Quality in the Upper Ewaso Ng�iro Basin and the Mount Kenya Area.
B7 THOMAS M.K., LINIGER H. 1994: Rainfall Summary, Analysis and Trend: Additional Stations of Good Quality in the Upper Ewaso Ng�iro Basin and the Mount Kenya Area.
B8 MBUVI J.P., KIRONCHI G. 1994: Explanations and Profile Descriptions to Reconnaissance Soil Survery of Upper Ewaso Ng�iro Basin (Laikipia East and slopes of West to North of Mount Kenya).
B9 MAINGA P.M., WANJOGU S.N., MBUVI J.P., 1994: Preminary Soil Conditions of Ngenia, Rumuruti, Mukogondo, and Sirima Catchment Sites.
B10 MAINGA P.M., MBUVI J.P. 1994: Preliminary Soil Conditions of Embori, Kalalu and Mukogodo Sites.
B11 WIESMANN U., 1994: Geographical Information Systems on Small Holder Areas North-East and South-West Nanyuki, Laikipia District, Kenya.
B12 WIESMANN U., 1994: Land Use, Farming Systems and Household Structures in Small Holder Areas of Laikipia District, Kenya. Data Review from a survey in 12 settlement areas around Nanyuki.
B13 MARTIN HUBER AND ERIC ITOTE 1995: GIS Data Dictionary.
B14 KUNZI E., KAMWARO B.N., SIMON J.G., 1998: People and Development in West Laikipia. Selected information on perceptions and opinions of the local smallholder farmers to development related issues and activities.
C1 LINIGER H. 1991: Methods and Recordings in Agroecology and Water Conservation.
C2 SOTTAS B. 1994: Qualitative Research and Actor Oriented, Participatory Techniques.
C3 WIESMANN U., 1995: A Concept of Sustainable Use and Its Implications for Research in a Dynamic Regional Context.
C4 YVAN DROZ 1995: Anthropological Outline of a Kikuyu Community, Laikipia District, Kenya.
C5 B. SOTTAS 1996 (ed): Actor Orientation in Resource Management: Reader Contributions to the ASP Bern Workshop February 29 to March 2, 1996.
D1 HERREN U.J. 1991: Socioeconomic Stratification and Small Stock Production in Mukogodo Division, Kenya.
D2 SOTTAS B. 1991: Aspectes of a Peasant Mode of Production: Exchange and the Extent of Sufficiency among Smallholders in West Laikipia.
D3 LINIGER H. 1991: Water Conservation for Rainfed Farming in the Semi-Arid Footzone Northwest of Mount Kenya (Laikipia Highlands), Consequences on the Water Balance and the Soil Productivity.
D4 KITHINJI G.R.M., LINIGER H. 1991: Strategy for Water Conservation in Laikipia District, Water Conservation Seminar, Nanyuki 7-11 August 1989 Organized and financed by LRDP/SDC. Seminar Proceedings: Part 1
D5 LINIGER H. (ed) 1991: Water Conservation in Laikipia District: Papers, Seminars Proceedings Part 2
D6 MUCUTHI M.M., MUNEI K., SHARMA K., 1992: The Contribution of Small Ruminant Production to Household Incomes, for small Scale Farmers in Laikipia West (an ASAL).
D7 LINIGER H. 1993: Water and Soil Resource Conservation and Utilization on the North West Side of Mt. Kenya WIESMANN U., 1993: Socioeconomic Viewpoints on Highlands-Lowlands Systems: A Case Study on the Northwest Side of Mt. Kenya.
D8 KITEME B.P. 1993: The Potential of Small scale Enterprises in West Laikipia � Kenya.
D9 MUCUTHI M.M., MUNEI K., SHARMA K. 1993: Socioeconomic Factors which Affect Decisions on Small Ruminant Production by Small scale Farmers in West Laikipia.
D10 SOTTAS B., WIESMANN V., 1993: Practices of Assistance Among Small scale Farmers of Marura: Direction, Extent and Relevance.
D11 THOMAS M.K., 1994: Development of Streamflow Model for Rural Catchments in Kenya.
D12 MUCUTHI M.M., MUNEI K., 1993: Some Constraints to Small Ruminant Production for small scale farmers in Laikipia West (an ASAL)
D13 LINIGER H. 1994: Water and Soil Conservation in the Semi arid Highlands Northwest of Mount Kenya (Reprint from 1992)
D14 LINIGER H., MULAGOLI I., SIEBER H. 1991: Approach and Constraints for the Implementation of Water Conservation in the Laikipia Highlands.
D15 KIRONCHI G., MBUVI J.P., LINIGER H., 1992; Soil Type and Land use Effects on Infiltration in Sirima and Mukogodo Catchments, Laikipia District.
D16 NJERU J.L., LINIGER H., 1994: The Influence of Vegetation on the Water Resources of the Naromoru Catchment � A Water Balance Approach.
D17 KITEME B.P., 1994: Small scale Manufacturing Enterprises as Informal Training �Institutions� � A Case of West Laikipia.
D18 LEISER F., 1994: Central Places and Transport System in Laikipia District, Kenya.
D19 LINIGER H., GICHUKI F.N. 1994 Simulation Modes as Management Tools for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources from the Top of Mount Kenya to the Semi-Arid Lowlands.
D20 WIESMANN U. 1995: Adaptation of farming Systems to Semi-Arid conditions in Laikipia District, Kenya.
D21 MASINDANO W.P., 1995: Security of Subsistence Among Small scale Migrant Farmers: The Case of Thome Settlement Scheme in Laikipia District.
D22 BACHMANN F., 1995: Smallholders in Laikipia District, Kenya: Land Use Systems and Perceptions of Water Conservation and Agroforestry.
D23 PETER MOOR, 1995: Aspects of livestock Production and Livestock Husbandry in Three Small scale Farming Areas in Laikipia District, Kenya.
D24 DORIAN KIVUMBI, 1995: A Feasibility Study on the Storage of Flood-flow in the Laikipia District � Kenya.
D25 MUTUNGA C.N., THOMAS D.B., LINIGER H., 1995: Runoff and Soil Loss in Mukogodo: Implications for the Rehabilitation of Denuded Semi-Arid Lands.
D26 OKELLO B.D., LINIGER H., NJOKA T.J., 1995: Utilization of Net Primary Production By Herbivores in the Mukogodo Rangelands � Laikipia, Kenya.
D27 KINYUA D.M., LINIGER H., NJOKA T.J., 1994: The Micro-Environmental Influence of the Canopy of Acacia etbaica and Acacia tortilis in Mukogodo Rangelands, Laikipia District.
D28 KEVINE OTIENO, 1995: Changes in Kin Relations Among Agikuyu Migrants of Laikipia District.
D29 OPONDO J.C., 1995: Labour Availability, Labour Use and Labour Hiring Among Small Holder Immigrants in Laikipia District.
D30 OPONDO J.C., J.A.R. WEMBAH-RASHID, 1994: Labour Dynamics Among Smallscale Farmers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands: Experiences of Muramati Settlement, Laikipia, Kenya.
D31 TAITI, S.W., 1993: Livestock Production Systems in East Laikipia.
D32 SOTTAS B., DROZ YVAN 1995: Toward a New Confinement of Kinship Relation among Kikuyu Migrants.
D33 KETER, S., 1997: Actors in Community Participation: The Case Study of Households in Arid and Semi Arid Lands of Laikipia, Kenya.
D34 MUHOMBE, C., 1997: Social Network Ties and Informal Leadership Structure in Central Division of Laikipia District.
D35 MUCUTHI, M., 1997: Sheep and Goat Production by Small Scale Farmers in Laikipia: Crossbreeding Programme using DPG Bucks and Dorper Rams in a Small Ruminant Improvement Project (SRIP)
D36 OPONDO J.C., J.A.R. WEMBAH-RASHID, 1998: Gender Roles and Equity in Livestock Production among Immigrant Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia District.
D37 KETER, S., 1998: Holders of Power in Decision-making: The Case Study of Households in Laikipia District, Kenya.
D38 KETER, S., 1998: Adopting to the new: Factors influencing use of appropriate techniques of farming in Arid and Semi Arid lands.
D39 MATHUVA, J.M., THENYA THUITA, 1997: Ecological and Socio-economic dynamics of the Ewaso Narok swamp, Laikipia District: Preliminary findings.
D40 MUROKI, R.W., 1999: External Intervention with Smallholder Farming Settlements of Laikipia: Influence and Contributions on Actors� Dimension.
D41 KYENGO, I.N., 1999: Actor Perspectives in Charcoal Production and Trading Activities in Laikipia.
D42 MAINA, J.M., 1999: Managing Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Laikipia: Strategies for conflicts resolution.
D43 THUITA, T., 1999: Ecological Characteristics and Bio-economic Resource Use of Ewaso Narok Swamp, Laikipia District � Kenya
D44 OMOKE, K.J., 1999: Expanding Rural Settlements and Forest-Cover Dynamics: Portraits o Association � West Laikipia, Kenya.
D45 BISAZ,A., MARIONNA, L., 1999: Domestic Roof Catchment Projects in Laikipia District: The Success of Participatory Approaches within the Scope of Action of Women Self Help Groups.
Other Publications and Theses
Albrecht Ehrensperger & Boniface P. K, 2005: Upper Ewaso Ngiro River Basin Water Management Information Platform - Survey on Development Priorities, Information needs & conflict Management Efforts
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2002: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Murupusi RMA , Mukogodo GCA Mary Njenga, 2002: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ilmotiok RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2002: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Koija RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, Martin Kamau , David Kinyua , Yusuf Kimanjo, 2001: PRA Ethi RMA Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA Gituamba RMA,Mutukanio GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA ,Kinamba RMA Mutukanio GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Koija RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA Lekuruki RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: PRA Muhotetu RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Murupusi RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Naibor RMA, Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Ndunyu-Loip RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Ndurumo RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA Ol Moran(Mokalu)RMA, Mutukanio GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: PRA Sipili RMA Mutukanio GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA Kurikuri RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Lorian RMA, Salama-Mutara GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Muruku RMA , Salama Mutara GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Musul RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Nkiloriti RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA report for Ilmotiok RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: PRA Report for Karaba RMA, Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau,2001: PRA report for Kiamariga RMA, Salama -Mutara GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Report for Kijabe RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, Joseph Lekasoo , Moses Lokwawi , John Wambugu , Sarah Lekesike, 2001: PRA report for Munishoi RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau , Duncan Ag�ngo , Miriam Njabi , John Mwangi, 2001: PRA Report for Mutara RMA, Salama-Mutara GCA
Jane Oteba , Mary Gichui , Isaak Kariuki , Jack Mwangi , P.N.Njoroge , John Nyaga, 2001: PRA Report for Nturukuma RMA Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Mary Njenga , Charles Maingi , Francis Kariuki , Mary Gichuru , Jackson Mwanyi, 2001: PRA report for Pesi RMA, Salama Mutara GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, Loise Kairo , Micheal Ole Legei , Morias Kisio, Moses Lokwawi, 2001: PRAReport for Salama RMA, Salam Mutara GCA
Mary Njenga , Micheal Ole Legei , Morris Kisio, Duncan Angango, Gitonga Nteere, 2001: PRA report for Tiemamut Resource Management Area Mukogodo GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: PRA Rugutu RMA, Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: PRA Rumuruti RMA, Mutukanio GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Thome RMA , Salama-Mutara GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: PRA Umande RMA, Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA, Ilingwesi RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Yusuf Kaminjo, 2001: PRA, Makurian RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau , Joseph Lekasoo , Moses Lokwawi , John Wambugu, 2001: PRA Report for Ilpolei RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Muruku RMA , Salama-Mutara GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ndurumo RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ethi RMA Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Gituamba RMA,Mutukanio GCA
Mukogodo team, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ilingwesi RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Mukogodo Team, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Lekuruki RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Musul RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Naibor RMA, Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ndunyu-Loip RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Ol Moran(Mokalu) RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Sipili RMA Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Thome RMA, Salama-Mutara GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Karaba RMA, Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Kiamariga RMA, Salama-Mutara GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Kijabe RmA , Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Kinamba RMA, Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Lorian RMA, Salama-Mutara GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Mathira RMA,Salama-Mutara
Martin Kamau Gitau, Joseph Lekasoo , Sarah Lekosike, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Munipol RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau,2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Nkiliriti RMA ,Mukogodo GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Rugutu RMA ,Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Rumuruti RMA ,Mutukanio GCA
Martin Kamau Gitau, Jane Oteba, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Salama RMA,Salama-Mutara GCA
Jane Oteba, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Umande RMA ,Nanyuki-Timau GCA
Mukogodo team, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Makurian RMA , Mukogodo GCA
Mary Njenga, 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Muhotetu RMA , Mutukanio GCA
Mary Njenga, Gitonga Nteere, Sarah Lekesike: 2001: Resource Area Management Action Plan (RAMAP) Tiemamut RMA, Mukogodo GCA
Geoffrey Kironchi, 1998: Influence of soil, climate and land use on soil water balance in the upper Ewaso Ng�ro basin in Kenya
WOCAT,1995: A Framework for the evaluation of soil and water conservation: Questionnaire on SWC Approaches
Silvery Beddar Buluma Otengi, 1995: An investigation of the influences of mulching and agroforestry on the microclimatic conditions affecting soil moisture and a maize/bean intercrop in semi-arid areas of Laikipia District
Kisinyo Peter Oloo, 1994: Land suitability evaluation for agriculture around Timau area-Meru district
Casper Odegi-Awuondo , Haggai W.Namai , Bennah M. Mutsotso, 1991: Masters of survival: Life is but one big struggle in the wilderness
Kiteme, Boniface P., 1991 Identification and Implementation of a rural water project: Problems and lessons - A case of Kyama Kya Mukwa Water Project in Nzawa Sub-location, Kitui District
Jan-Stefan Fritz, 1991: A survey of environment monitoring and information management programmes of international organizations
Manual Flurry, 1988: Precipitation, growing periods, agro ecological suitability for small scale rain fed farming (Laikipia district, Kenya) a compilation of data
A. A.J. Janson, H.J. Hovelli , V.J.Quinn, 1987: Food and nutrition in Kenya. A historical review
F.Leiser, 1987: Inventory of main non-farm activities in the central division Laikipia district Kenya
George M. Riungu , Madivamba Rukumi, 1987: Irrigation policy in Kenya and Zimbabwe:
Proceedings of the second intermediate seminar on Irrigation farming in Kenya and Zimbabwe held at Juliasdale,Harare,26 to 30 May 1987
U. Herren, 1987: The people of Mukogodo Division, Laikipia district. A Historical and anthropological baseline
M.Winiger, 1983: The Actual ecologic and socio-economic situation in Nanyuki area (Laikipia district, Kenya)
Benedikt Notter, 2010: Water - related ecosystem services and options for their sustainable use in the Pangani Basin, East Africa.
Tuli Salum Msuya, 2010: Developing Integrated Institutional Framework for Sustainable Watershed Management in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania.
Albrecht Ehrensperger, 2006: Potentials, Limitations and Risks of Geo-Information Technology for Sustainable Development Approaches in Kenya.
Boniface Peter Kiteme, 2006: Multi-dimensional Approaches to More Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Highly Dynamic Contexts in East Africa.
Chinwe Ijeoma Ifejika Speranza, 2006: Drought Vulnerability and Risk in Agro-Pastoral Areas - An Integrative approach and its Application in Kenya.
Geoffrey Kironchi, 1998: Influence of soil, climate and land use on soil water balance in the upper Ewaso Ng'iro Basin in Kenya.
Silvery Beddar Buluma Oteng�I, 1995: An investigation of the influence of mulching and agroforestry systems on the micro climatic conditions affecting soil moisture and a maize / bean intercrop in Semi-Arid areas of Laikipia District.
Anne Ulrich, 2011: Smallholder Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas in Transition: Longitudinal Results from Laikipia, Kenya
Peter Ngumbi Kamau, 2010: Effects of Spatial-Temporal changes in Coffee Farming on the Forest cover of Nyeri District, Kenya
Sylvia Lorcher, 2009: Assessment of Development Disparities in the Pangani Basin, Tanzania
Patrick Kerre Maelo, 2008: Stakeholder participation in monitoring and Evaluation of Community Projects: A case study of Kanduyi Division
Karin Holdener, 2007: The Importance of Trans-Spatial & Social Networks in Household Strategies of Peasants in Rural Kenya
Teresa Mbatia, 2006: Creating Child Friendly urban spaces sustainable integration of the Children in the Designing Planning and of Low Income Urban Residential Neighborhoods, A comparative study of Kaloleni, Buru Buru Phase I and Kayole Phase I in Eastland�s, Nairobi
Wangunyu Isaac Kimani, 2006: Factors influencing risky Sexual Behavior Among the youth in Kenya Ndung�u
Kenneth Kimathi, 2004: Claim to our Urban Space � A study of hawkers (Street Vendors) within the Central Business District of Nairobi Kenya.
Njeru Florence Wairimu, 2004: Planning for Novel ways of Solid waste Management in Secondary Towns in Kenya
Olang' Luke Omondi, 2004: Adaptation of Rainfall-Runoff models for Runoff simulation in the humid zones of Kenya
Kennedy Kitonga Mwetu, 2004: Analysis of extreme Rainfall and stream flow events from Upper Ewaso Ng'iro drainage basin in Kenya
Tsuma F. Tabitha, 2001: Human Impact on Forest Resources: A case study of Mukogodo, Laikipia District, Kenya
Hussein O. Farah, 2001: Estimation of regional evaporation under different weather conditions from satellite and meteorological data: A case study in the Naivasha Basin, Kenya.
Julius Musyoka Ndambuki, 2001: Multi-objective Groundwater quality Management: A stochastic approach.
Arianna Bisaz, 1999: Approaches of External Actors involved in domestic roof catchment projects through women self-help groups: An appraisal in Laikipia District, Kenya
Kyaka Joshua Mbunya, 1998: The Spatio - Temporal structure of periodic Livestock Markets and their Associated Environmental effects in Laikipia District, Kenya
Oscar Wambugu, 1998: Local communities and wildlife. A spatial analysis of Human-wildlife interaction in Laikipia District Kenya.
Phillip E. G. Gichuki, 1997: River Flow Regulation. A case study of the upper Ewaso Ngiro North River
David Maina Kinyua, 1996: Micro Environmental Influence of Acacia etbaica and Acacia tortils on Herbaceous layer production in Mukogodo Rangeland, Laikipia District
Bell Dedan Okello, 1996: Utilization of above ground net primary production by herbivores in Mukogodo Rangelands, Laikipia � Kenya Peter
Wangila Masindano, 1996: Security of Subsistence among small scale migrant farmers: The case of Thome Settlement Scheme in Laikipia District, Kenya
Njeru Jeremiah Lewis, 1995: The influence of vegetation on the water resources of the Naro Moru Catchment
Johnie Chrisostom Opondo, 1995: Smallholder household labour characteristics, its availability and utilization in three settlements of Laikipia District, Kenya
Bernard Lester, 1995: The design of a Gabion-type weir in an unstable Alluvial channel: A case study on the diversion weir at Garfasa irrigation scheme including a review of the hydrology of the Ewaso Ng�ro, river, Isiolo, Kenya.
Charles Oduko Muhombe, 1994: An evaluation of social network ties and leadership structure in Laikipia District: A case study of central division.
Charles Nzuki Mutunga, 1994: The influence of vegetative cover on runoff and soil loss. A study in mukogodo, Laikipia Research.
Kisinyo Peter Oloo, 1994: Land Suitability Evaluation for Agriculture around Timau Area � Meru District
Mucuthi Martin M., 1993: Some Economic Aspects of Small Ruminant Production by small scale farmers in the ASAL - A case study of West Laikipia
Annastasia Nzisa Kyonda, 1993: Female Household Heads and decision making among the Maasai. A case study of the maasai from the Mukogodo Division Laikipia District.
John Kihura Gikonyo, 1993: Sediment yield studies in the Mathare river catchment.
Rainer W. Bussmann, 1993: The forests of Mt. Kenya: A phytosociological approach with special reference to ecological problems.
Geoffrey Kironchi, 1992: Effects of Soil type, vegetation and land use on infiltration rate and related soil physical properties in two semi-arid catchments in Laikipia District
Kiteme, Boniface Peter, 1992: The Performance of Small Scale Manufacturing Enterprises in west Laikipia (Ngarua Division)
Akalewold Bantirgu Akal, 1992: An investigation into the causes and dynamics of slope cutting in Timau Area, North Western foot slopes of Mt. Kenya
Urs J. Herren, 1991: Socioeconomic strategies of Pastoral Maasai households in Mukogodo, Kenya.
Awdenegest Moges, 1991: Water Conservation and crop production under two Agroforestry System: A Laikipia District Case study
Akalewoid Bantirgu Akal, 1991: An investigation into the causes and dynamics of a slope-cutting erosion in the Timau area, North West foot slopes of Mt. Kenya.
Silvio Decurtins, 1990: Hydrogeographical investigations in the Mount Kenya Subcatchment of River Ewaso Ng'iro
John Mwangi Gathenya, 1988: Water balance of sections of Naro Moru River
Ngunjiri Phillip Gichonge, 1987: Environmental impact assessment practices in the sub-saharan Africa. Cases from Kenya.
Andrea Keller, 2010: Spatial Analysis of Urban Development in Low-income settlement of Nakuru, Kenya from 1991 to 2008