Nakinfo 1.0
This application was developed by the Nakuru Local Urban Observatory (LUO) Project Team. It was developed in Visual Basic 6 and ESRi's Mapobjects 2.2. .
Nakinfo 2.0 Beta Version
Nakinfo 2.0 Beta was developed using C#.Net and ESRI's ArcReader Control. NakInfo, on one hand, is a tool for local authorities to achieve better planning and decision-making, and, a tool supposed to enhance democratic access to information. The software has been designed in a way that will allow users with minimal computer literacy to make use of it. Several menus have been translated into Kiswahili to broaden readership and accommodate users who may not speak the English language.
For more information contact Albrecht Ehrensperger or Solomon Mbuguah. Email: [email protected]
COMPACT Database Toolkit
Compact Database and Information Toolkit Application is a prototype Visual Basic application to be used as an information tool for the COMPACT Mt. Kenya projects. It has two main modules, database and mapping modules. The database module is meant to store and manage the data collected from the various compact projects, while the mapping module is alight mapping application that mainly shows the spatial context of the projects.
Kuishi Pamoja
This is a community-orientated comic book entitled 'Kuishi pamoja' (living together) which provides local people with basic information about elephants, their conservation status and value, how to behave around them to avoid risk and how to deter them from farms using simple community-based methods originally developed in Zimbabwe by the Mid-Zambezi Elephant Project. The book is now available in four languages: English, Kiswahili, Kikuyu and Kimeru.
Water Resources Information Management Directory
This directory provides information on water related issues in the upper Ewaso Ngiro basin. It has two parts: the first part contains two maps providing an overview of the trends in forest cover dynamics in the Ewaso Ngiro River Basin on a catchment-by-catchment basis for the period 1995 - 2002. The second part is composed of maps and fact sheets for 21 sub-catchments of the Upper Ewaso Ngiro River Basin. The maps show land cover in the catchments for the year 1995, water abstraction points, river gauging stations, isohyets, roads, urban centres and administrative boundaries, as well topography, soil types and population density per administrative units (sub-locations). The directory is particularly a useful tool to aid the daily activities of the River Water User Associations (RWUAs) actively engaged in managing river water resources and solving related conflicts in the sub-catchments of the Basin. It might, for example help them in their reporting activities, in inter-subcatchment situation comparison, and as a tool to inform interaction (or negotiations) with funding agencies and development partners.
The directory will soon be updated.
To be updated soon.